Tuesday 12 May 2015

New Google Doodle honors leading seismologist Inge Lehmann

Inge Lehmann, who discovered that earth has both an inner and outer core, should be inspiration for any young woman with dreams of becoming a scientist, and on Wednesday Google honored the pioneering seismologist’s 127th birthday with a new animated Doodle.

Inge Lehmann (May 13, 1888 – February 21, 1993) was a Danish seismologist and geophysicist who discovered the Earth's inner core, In 1936, she postulated from existing seismic data that the Earth's core is not a single molten sphere, but that an inner core exists, which has physical properties that are different from those in the outer core. This conclusion was quickly accepted by seismologists, who up to this time had not been able to propose a workable hypothesis for the observation that the P-wave created by earthquakes slowed down when it reached certain areas of the inner Earth.

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